Montenegro Girl x
Montenegro &
a simple life
Hi. I’m Melanie

I’m Melanie Owen-Roberts. I love to write about Montenegro & my quest for a simpler life. Years ago I bought a little, run-down apartment in this beautiful corner of South Eastern Europe. And I fell in love with the place. I now plan to escape the rat race in England & move there one day.
Learning Montenegrin & trying to stay motivated (week 2)
Montenegro Girl xt’s taking some resolve to sit down and study Montenegrin - my new challenge to improve my rusty language skills. And it’s only week 2! But then I reminded...
My attempt to learn Montenegrin (Here we go!)
Montenegro Girl xast week I set a lofty goal to improve my flagging Montenegrin language skills and then post what I have been learning every week. This is my attempt to learn...
Time to review my Montenegro apartment
Montenegro Girl xt seems a good time to review. Spring feels in the air here in England. (Well, the daffodils are out!) I’ve had my first dose of the vaccine. We are...
Interested in your own place in the sun?
You’re in good company! I share my experiences of owning & renovating a property in Montenegro.
My plan to (finally) improve my Montenegrin.
Montenegro Girl xve been meaning to improve my Montenegrin language skills for a while now. Well, 16 years to be precise. I know. It’s embarrassing to admit, but actually...
What writer’s block taught me about following a dream
Montenegro Girl xriter’s block is a real thing. It has been turning up for me every time I want to write something great on my blog. My hope and determination are high and...
A retreat from the world
Montenegro Girl xt started off as a desire for a holiday away from the summer crowds. A need to have something other than my own 4 walls, but without the anxiety-inducing battle...
I miss Salad Square. The essence of Montenegrin life.
Why I’m pining for my favourite place in Kotor Old Town.
Want to learn Montenegrin? My top tips for learning the official language of Montenegro
Montenegro Girl xI love that feeling of living like a local when I travel abroad – however brief it may be. Those little moments when you feel almost merged in with a country’s regular life. The...
A brief overview of the Montenegrin language
Montenegro Girl xMontenegrin is the official language of Montenegro. However, while it may be the official language now, it hasn’t always been that way. From the second world war until the break of...
The mindset you need to get out of the rat race
Montenegro Girl xoronavirus has made me want to fast forward my plans. To get out of the rat race and live a simple life in Montenegro. And sooner rather than later. Perhaps...
Take a look at some of my photos of Montenegro taken over the years. I’ll be adding to it as I go along.
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A life with less stuff
Let your boat of life travel lightly lest your possessions sink you.