Montenegro Girl x
Want to learn Montenegrin? My top tips for learning the official language of Montenegro
I love that feeling of living like a local when I travel abroad – however brief it may be. Those little moments when you feel almost merged in with a country’s regular life. The ordinary life of the people living there – that is nothing like your normal life, but somehow makes you feel like you are a part of it for that short time. Speaking the language – even if only a few words – is part of this. So, this post is about learning Montenegrin – the official language of Montenegro.
I’ll give you some basic words and phrases to get you started and then point you in the right direction if you want to get your Montenegrin learning cap fully on!

What you need to know before you learn Montenegrin
First off though it’s worth pointing out a couple of things about the Montenegrin language. You may have already noticed that you won’t find Montenegrin in Google Translate. And you probably won’t find any language books for learning Montenegrin. So what’s going on there?
Montenegrin was only named as the official language of Montenegro in 2004. In fact it was only recognised officially as a separate language in 2017. It used to be called Serbo-Croat. Now Croatian and Serbian are referred to as separate languages and basically Montenegrin is the same language.
I learnt Serbo-Croat at university, at the time when Yugoslavia was still in existence. I learnt the Croatian version of it as I lived in Zagreb (now capital of Croatia). Croatian differs from Serbian in some pronunciations and some specific words. For example, bread is kruh in Croatian and hleb in Serbian.
Want to learn Montenegrin. But should you learn Croatian or Serbian?
When it comes to Montenegrin, the advice given on the Language Learners forum is to learn Croatian, as you won’t find a language course or book specifically for Montenegrin. Croatian will give you a “closer approximation of the Montenegrin accent” (according to Chung). Then you will just need to learn the Serbian version of those specific words that differ from Croatian – as Montenegrin uses the Serbian version.
The Montenegrin language is written in both Latin (like English) and Cyrillic (like Russian) alphabets, but there is a growing tendency to use only the Latin alphabet. Croatian uses the Latin alphabet.

How do you say hello in Montenegrin? (And other useful words)
So here’s some basic words and phrases in Montenegrin to kick start your travels.
Hello- zdravo (zdrah-voh)
Goodbye – doviđenja (do-vee-jenya)
Thank you – hvala (hva-la)
Excuse me – oprostite (o-pro-stee-te)
Here’s some of these basic words on this short video by Kotor Bay Travel Guide.
Yes – da (da)
No – ne (ne)
Please – molim (mo-leem)
Good morning – dobro jutro (do-bro you-tro)
Good afternoon / day – dobar dan (do-bar dan)
Good evening – dobra večer (do-bro vay-chair)
How much does it cost? – koliko košta? (koh-li-ko kosh-ta)
How are you? – kako ste? (ka-ko stair)
Well, thank you – dobro, hvala (do-bro hva-la)
Pleased to meet you – drago mi je (drag-o mee ye)
What are you called? – Kako se zovete? (ka-ko se zoh-ve-te)
I am called …- Zovem se … (zo-vem se)
A beer, please –pivo molim (pee-vo mo-leem)
Cheers – živjeli (shiv-e-lee)
Water – voda (voh-dah)
Menu – jelovnik (yell-of-neek)
Bill – račun (rah-choon)
Entrance – ulaz (oo-laz)
Exit – izlaz (eez-laz)
What does Montenegrin sound like?
Here’s a short video by Mondo Crna Gora featuring some interviews in Kotor with both tourists and locals so you can hear Montenegrin spoken at normal speed – with some English too. (As a bonus, the video also shows the square that my apartment is on!)
Learn Montenegrin online
The friendly Azat has a host of youtube tutorials for learning Montenegrin. He also does individual lessons on Skype if you’re really keen.
Learn Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin in 7 lessons! #1
You can learn Montenegrin by connecting with a native speaker via email, text chat and voice chat. Sign up on My Language Exchange. They have 2 levels of membership – free for regular or from $6 for gold members.
Learn Montenegrin with a book
If you’re like me and prefer a structured course to work through, here are some books for learning Montenegrin.
As mentioned before, these books are for learning Croatian. You will then just need to learn the specific Serbian version of this words that differ from Croatian. (No need to worry, though, most Montenegrins will probably still understand you if you get the wrong version!)
Colloquial Croatian: The Complete Course for Beginners
by Celia Hawkesworth
This is an updated version of the book I used when I learnt Serbo-Croat, so I can personally recommend it.
Complete Croatian Beginner to Intermediate Course (Book and audio support)
by Dr David Norris
The author, Dr David Norris, actually taught in my department at Nottingham university while I was there, so I can vouch for his expertise!
The course is structured in thematic units and the emphasis is placed on communication, so that you effortlessly progress from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations, to using the phone and talking about work.
Beginner’s Croatian with online audio (Hippocrene Beginner’s)
by Aida Vidan & Robert Niebuhr
This book has 15 carefully-paced and practical lessons with dialogues, vocabulary, and expressions. There’s online MP3 audio files for free download featuring pronunciation by native speakers.
by Project Fluent
Project Fluency believe that in order to communicate well you only need to know the basics of any Language well. For this reason they have researched the most useful Croatian phrases, grammar rules & words. This book could be good if you want a speedier way of learning some Montenegrin.
Lonely Planet Croatian Phrasebook & Dictionary
by Gordana & Ivan Ivetac
This would also be helpful book for more of a quick reference as it gives a comprehensive mix of practical and social words and phrases for every travel situation.
So, my friends, now you have no excuse not to live like a local.
Sve najbolje!
Montenegro Girl x
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