Montenegro Girl x
My attempt to learn Montenegrin (Here we go!)
Last week I set a lofty goal to improve my flagging Montenegrin language skills and then post what I have been learning every week. This is my attempt to learn Montenegrin – which I have putting off for years. No joke. Well, it is almost the end of the week and with not a language book in sight, I was beginning to think that I was going to fail at the first hurdle. How embarrassing would that be?
But…I’m a person that’s true to her word. So, determined not to have another project end up in the “procrastination” or “run out of time” pile, here is my first post on learning Montenegrin as promised.
I’m using my old copy of Colloquial Serbo-Croat by Celia Hawkesworth (printed in 1986). Boy. Now that makes me feel old.
The book is so old in fact that they don’t even call the language Serbo-Croat anymore (since the break-up of Yugoslavia). But it will give me some structure for my self-taught lessons and bring back some happy memories of my younger days spent in abandonment there. So, job done.
And anyway, I want to find out what happens to Alan Cameron and his Irish wife, Nora. These language books have riveting storylines.
Learn Montenegrin with me (but not if you want an expert!)
Just to remind you this is my rather random attempt to improve my existing Montenegrin, language skills, rather than be any sort of cohesive post to teach you the language. I’ll leave that to the experts!
This week, I’m focussing on some new words to revise in the first part and then some grammar in part two. It’s all stuff that I will have learnt years ago when I was a student in Zagreb, but my memory is so sketchy now, I need to revisit them. I have decided to keep the bar low and ease myself into what is a pretty difficult language. (I wonder why I didn’t buy an apartment in Spain? It would have been so much easier).
Pondering aside. Let’s get down to some Montenegrin words first.
Part 1. Some random Montenegrin words
For help with pronounciation check out My Languages
Gospodin – Mr (g. abbreviation)
Gospođa – Mrs (gđa. abbreviation)
Na zalošt – unfortunately
Oprostite – excuse me (use when interupting someone, for example)
Također – likewise
Upoznavati se – to get to know / meet
Ja upoznajem
Oni upozanaju
Zar ne? – is that so?
Gladan/gladna/gadno – hungry
Umoran/umorna/umorno – tired
Stol – table
Stolica – chair
Mladić – boy
Djevojka – girl
Sin – son
Kći – daughter
Otac – father
Majka – mother
Vratiti se – to return
Ja se vraćam
On se vraća
Kasnije – later
Zato što – because
Ne toliko kao – not as much as
Previše – too much
Part 2. A little bit of grammar
BITI – to be in Montenegrin
Biti – to be
Ja sam – I am
Ti si – you are
On/ona/ono je – he/she/it is
Mi smo – we are
Vi ste – you are (plural or formal)
Oni/one/ona su – They are
Short version
Jesam – I am
Tisi – you are
Jest – he/she/it is
Jesmo – we are
Jeste – you are
Jesu – they are
(Ja) nisam – I’m not
(Ti) nisi – you’re not (
(On/ona/ono) nije
(Mi) nismo – we’re not
(Vi) niste – you’re not
(Oni/one/ona) nisu – they’re not
Questions in Montenegrin
Why, who & what
Zašto ucite crnogroski? – why are you learning Montenegrin?
Tko ste vi? – who are you?
Što radiš ovdje? – what are you doing here?
Questions using ‘li’
Dolazite li cešto ovamo? – do you come here often
Questions using ‘da li’
Da li cešto putujete?- do you travel often?
Negative questions using ‘zar’
Zar nisi Englez? – Aren’t you english?
Zar studenti ne piju? – don’t the students drink
Ending this week’s attempt to learn Montenegrin (phew)
So that wraps up my first lesson. I’m well and truly ready for a coffee now. I am reminded how it feels once you reach a certain understanding of something. You realise that you have so much more to learn!
I’ve made a start though. (I’m giving myself a congratulatory hi-five right now). Learning something is always step by step, after all.
So, my friend….vidimo se sljedeći put!
PS. I can’t wait to find out what will happen next in Alan and Nora’s new friendship with Miroslav…
Montenegro Girl x
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